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Participare: între 6 și 20 de cursanți
Livrare: live virtual, în limba Engleză
Suport de curs: manual digital
Pentru a putea participa în cadrul acestui curs, studenții trebuie să:
- aibă cunoștinte despre Spring Framework și Java
- aibă cunoștințe de bază privind înțelegerea rețelei și Linux
- Secure the application using Basic Authentication; consume secured endpoints; define user and roles; store hashed credentials; describe different types of hashing algorithms
- Provide method based authorisation
- Describe the concepts of OAuth and how JWT tokens are used
- Describe the concepts of Single Sign On and provide use cases
- Secure the Spring Boot micro service using OAuth
- Generate SSL certificates and secure the embedded servlet container
- Provide a practical example and hands on laboratory
- Describe the concepts of Event Driven Architecture
- Present both JMS and AMQP and provide advantages and disadvantages in using them
- Describe the JMS Queues, Topics, Durable; Present the publisher – subscriber pattern; Present the difference between JMS 1.0 and JMS 2.0; Present different types of message brokers; Practical example using Apache ActiveMQ
- Describe the AMQP protocol; Describe the RabbitMQ queue – exchanges mechanism and all the exchange types; Practical example using RabbitMQ;
- Present the Spring Cloud Stream – High level abstraction over the message brokers
- Hands-on lab
Dockerize Spring Applications
- Introduction to containers and Docker
- Present the Dockerfile and how to wrap a Spring Boot Jar into a Docker Image
- How to add environment variables to a Spring Docker image so that they will be propagated to the Spring Context
- Upload the image the a Docker registry
- Describe concepts of Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment
- Practical example with hands-on lab
Monitoring Spring Applications
- Introduction to Spring Boot Actuator
- Present the Spring Boot Actuator Rest Endpoints
- Present the Spring Boot Actuator Metrics
- Create your own metric and override actuator endpoints
- Logging and JMX
- Spring Boot Shell – create an interactive shell to connect to the spring boot app
- Hands-on lab
Spring Framework 5
- Describe what is new in the latest release of Spring Framework.
- Present the Spring WebFlux – alternative tot Spring MVC
- Present the Reactive Streams and Reactive programming
- Test reactive streams
- Practical examples with hands-on lab
Spring Cloud microservices – spring wrappers over the Netflix OSS components
- Spring Cloud Configuration Server: examples how to push configuration to Spring Boot micro services from a centralised store(like GitHub). Live reloading of configuration.
- Spring Could Eureka – Describe what a service discovery is; present alternatives; practical example
- Spring Cloud Hystrix – Describe the circuit breaker pattern and its use cases in microservice architecture
- Spring Cloud Ribbon – Describe client side load balancing pattern
- Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin – Libraries for distributed logging and tracing; present the Zipkin dashboard
- Spring Cloud Zuul – Describe the Zuul gateway; present the filtering types and the route table;
- Full practical example with all microservice components and a complex hands on lab with all described technologies.