Mile2 C)PTE – Certified Penetration Testing Engineer

Un Certified Penetration Testing Engineer își imaginează toate modalitățile prin care un hacker poate pătrunde într-un sistem de date. Trebuie să depășești ceea ce ai învățat ca Ethical Hacker, deoarece pen-testingul explorează modalități tehnice și non-tehnice de a încălca securitatea pentru a obține acces la un sistem. Cursul nostru C)PTE se bazează pe metode practice dovedite, utilizate de grupul nostru internațional de consultanți în domeniul vulnerabilității.

Cui i se adresează?

Acest curs este conceput în primul rând pentru profesioniștii care ocupă funcții precum:

  • Pen Tester
  • Security Officer
  • Ethical Hacker
  • Network Auditor
  • Vulnerability assessor
  • System Owners & Managers
  • Cyber Security Engineer

Ce vei învăța?

În cadrul acestui curs vei învăța 5 elemente cheie ale Pen Testing; culegerea de informații, scanarea, enumerarea, exploatarea și raportarea. În plus, vei descoperi cele mai recente vulnerabilități și tehnicile pe care hackerii rău intenționați le folosesc pentru a dobândi și distruge date. În plus, vei afla mai multe despre competențele de afaceri necesare pentru a identifica oportunitățile de protecție, a justifica activitățile de testare și a optimiza controalele de securitate adecvate nevoilor de afaceri pentru a reduce riscul.

La finalizarea studiului, candidatul Certified Penetration Testing Engineer, C)PTE, va avea cunoștințe solide despre procedurile de testare și raportare, ceea ce îl va pregăti pentru roluri de management superior în cadrul unui sistem de securitate cibernetică. Aceștia vor fi capabili să susțină cu succes examenul C)PTE.

Cerințe preliminare:

Înainte de a urma acest curs, trebuie să aveți cel puțin una dintre urmatoarele:

  • Mile2 C)PEH sau cunoștințe echivalente
  • 12 luni de experiență în domeniul rețelelor
  • Cunoștințe solide de TCP/IP
  • Cunoștințe de bază de Linux
  • Experiență în domeniul securității Microsoft

Agenda cursului:

Materialele de curs sunt în limba Engleză. Cursul include:

  • Individual Course Access
  • Online Course Video
  • E-Book
  • E-Lab Guide
  • Exam Prep
  • Exam
  • Cyber Range Access

Agenda cursului:

Materialele de curs sunt în limba Engleză. Cursul include:

  • Individual Course Access
  • Online Course Video
  • E-Book
  • E-Lab Guide
  • Exam Prep
  • Exam
  • Cyber Range Access

Module 1 – Business and Technical Logistics of Pen Testing

  • Section 1 – What is Penetration Testing?
  • Section 2 – Today’s Threats
  • Section 3 – Staying up to Date
  • Section 4 – Pen Testing Methodology
  • Section 5 – Pre-Engagement Activities

Module 2 – Information Gathering Reconnaissance- Passive (External Only)

  • Section 1 – What are we looking for?
  • Section 2 – Keeping Track of what we find!
  • Section 3 – Where/How do we find this Information?
  • Section 4 – Are there tools to help?
  • Section 5 – Countermeasures

Module 3 – Detecting Live Systems – Reconnaissance (Active)

  • Section 1 – What are we looking for?
  • Section 2 – Reaching Out
  • Section 3 – Port Scanning
  • Section 4 – Are there tools to help?
  • Section 5 – Countermeasure

Module 4 – Banner Grabbing and Enumeration

  • Section 1 – Banner Grabbing
  • Section 2 – Enumeration

Module 5 – Automated Vulnerability Assessment

  • Section 1 – What is a Vulnerability Assessment?
  • Section 2 – Tools of the Trade
  • Section 3 – Testing Internal/External Systems
  • Section 4 – Dealing with the Results 

Module 6 – Hacking Operating Systems

  • Section 1 – Key Loggers
  • Section 2 – Password Attacks
  • Section 3 – Rootkits & Their Friends
  • Section 4 – Clearing Tracks

Module 7 – Advanced Assessment and Exploitation Techniques

  • Section 1 – Buffer Overflow
  • Section 2 – Exploits
  • Section 3 – Exploit Framework

Module 8 – Evasion Techniques

  • Section 1 – Evading Firewall
  • Section 2 – Evading Honeypots
  • Section 3 – Evading IDS

Module 9 – Hacking with PowerShell

  • Section 1 – PowerShell – A Few Interesting Items
  • Section 2 – Finding Passwords with PowerShell

Module 10 – Networks and Sniffing

  • Section 1 – Sniffing Techniques

Module 11 – Accessing and Hacking Web Techniques

  • Section 1 – OWASP Top 10
  • Section 2 – SQL Injection
  • Section 3 – XSS

Module 12 – Mobile and IoT Hacking

  • Section 1 – What devices are we talking about?
  • Section 2 – What is the risk?
  • Section 3 – Potential Avenues to Attack
  • Section 4 – Hardening Mobile/IoT Devices

Module 13 – Report Writing Basics

  • Section 1 – Report Components
  • Section 2 – Report Results Matrix
  • Section 3 – Recommendations

Detailed Lab Outline:

Lab 1 – Introduction to Pen Testing Setup

  • Section 1 – Recording IPs and Logging into the VMs
  • Section 2 – Research

Lab 2 – Linux Fundamentals

  • Section 1 – Command Line Tips & Tricks
  • Section 2 – Linux Networking for Beginners
  • Section 3 – Using FTP during a pentest

Lab 3 – Using tools for reporting

  • Section 1 – Setting up and using magictree

Lab 4 – Information Gathering

  • Section 1 – Google Queries
  • Section 2 – Searching Pastebin
  • Section 3 – Maltego
  • Section 4 – People Search Using the Spokeo Online Tool
  • Section 5 – Recon with Firefox
  • Section 6 – Documentation

Lab 5 – Detecting Live Systems – Scanning Techniques

  • Section 1 – Finding a target using Ping utility
  • Section 2 – Footprinting a Target Using nslookup Tool
  • Section 3 – Scanning a Target Using nmap Tools
  • Section 4 – Scanning a Target Using Zenmap Tools
  • Section 5 – Scanning a Target Using hping3 Utility
  • Section 6 – Make use of the telnet utility to perform banner grabbing
  • Section 7 – Documentation

Lab 6 – Enumeration

  • Section 1 – OS Detection with Zenmap
  • Section 2 – Enumerating a local system with Hyena
  • Section 3 – Enumerating services with nmap
  • Section 4 – DNS Zone Transfer
  • Section 5 – LDAP Enumeration

Lab 7 – Vulnerability Assessments

  • Section 1 – Vulnerability Assessment with SAINT
  • Section 2 – Vulnerability Assessment with OpenVAS

Lab 8 – Software Goes Undercover

  • Section 1 – Creating a Virus

Lab 9 – System Hacking – Windows Hacking

  • Section 1 – System Monitoring and Surveillance
  • Section 2 – Hiding Files using NTFS Streams
  • Section 3 – Find Hidden ADS Files
  • Section 4 – Hiding Files with Stealth Tools
  • Section 5 – Extracting SAM Hashes for Password cracking
  • Section 6 – Creating Rainbow Tables
  • Section 7 – Password Cracking
  • Section 8 – Mimikatz

Lab 10 – System Hacking – Linux/Unix Hacking

  • Section 1 – Taking Advantage of Misconfigured Services
  • Section 2 – Cracking a Linux Password
  • Section 3 – Setting up a Backdoor

Lab 11 – Advanced Vulnerability and Exploitation Techniques

  • Section 1 – Metasploitable Fundamentals
  • Section 2 – Metasploit port and vulnerability scanning
  • Section 3 – Client-side attack with Metasploit
  • Section 4 – Armitage

Lab 12 – Network Sniffing/IDS

  • Section 1 – Sniffing Passwords with Wireshark
  • Section 2 – Performing MitM with Cain
  • Section 3 – Performing MitM with sslstrip

Lab 13 – Attacking Databases

  • Section 1 – Attacking MySQL Database
  • Section 2 – Manual SQL Injection

Lab 14 – Attacking Web Applications

  • Section 1 – Attacking with XSS
  • Section 2 – Attacking with CSRF

Recomandăm să continui cu:

Programe de certificare

Acest curs îi pregătește pe participanți pentru susținerea examenului C)PTE și obținerea certificării de Certified Penetration Testing Engineer.

Mile2 C)PTE – Certified Penetration Testing Engineer

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Detalii curs




1100 EUR

Modalități de livrare

Studiu individual

Nivel de specializare

3. Professional

Roluri asociate

Penetration Testing Engineer

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