Microsoft MB-800: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Functional Consultant

Dezvoltată pentru organizații de talie mică și medie, Dynamics 365 Business Central este o aplicație pentru companiile ale căror nevoi de business nu mai pot fi satisfăcute de aplicațiile entry-level.

Organizațiile ce urmează un traseu de creștere încep să se confrunte cu noi provocări, iar programele simple de contabilitate și enterprise resource planning (ERP) nu mai pot acoperi nevoi precum numărul din ce în ce mai mare de tranzacții și inventar, lipsa de integrare cu alte sisteme din același line-of-business și au o capacitate limitată de generare a rapoartelor. Organizațiile se confruntă de asemeni cu logistica oferirii serviciilor cu scalabilitate mai mare, mobilitate crescută și disponibilitate în cloud.

Cu Business Central, poți să îți gestionezi finanțele, să automatizezi și securizezi supply chain-ul, să vinzi mai intelligent, să îmbunătățești customer service-ul și performanța proiectelor și să îți optimizezi operațiunile.

Cui i se adresează?

Cursul Microsoft MB-800: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Functional Consultant se adresează consultanților funcționali, ce implementează și configurează Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central pentru organizațiile mici și medii.

Ce vei învăța?

În acest curs vei învăța să configurezi aplicația Business Central, inclusiv setarea funcționalităților de bază și a modulelor și migrarea datelor în Business Central. Cursanții vor configura role centrele, incluzând adaptarea de insights, cues, action tiles, rapoarte, charts și extinderea Business Central folosind componente Power Platform.

Cerințe preliminare:

  • Un consultant funcțional Dynamics 365 Business Central trebuie să aibă cunoștințe aplicate de Business Central și să înțeleagă terminologia, prioritățile, standardele, metodologiile și cele mai bune practici din industrie.
  • Trebuie să știe să îndeplinească nevoile de business folosind Dynamics 365 Business Central, incluzând cunoștințe de bază de management financiar, vânzări, achiziționări și inventar.
  • Ar trebui să înțeleagă în totalitate rolul aplicației Business Central în raport cu aplicațiile Microsoft 365 și Dynamics 365.

Agenda cursului:

Materialele de curs sunt în limba Engleză. Predarea se face în limba Română.

  • Module 1: Start your free Dynamics 365 Business Central trial

Do you want to try, explore, and evaluate Business Central? Do you need a Business Central trial to facilitate your learning process? This module provides information on how to set up a free Business Central trial version. Additionally, this module explains how to create your Business Central account, how to use a demo database, how to start a trial with your own data, and how to subscribe your organization.

  • Module 2: Introducing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is built and optimized for small and medium businesses. It’s an application for companies that have outgrown their entry-level business applications or are replacing outdated legacy systems and need an end-to-end solution for financials, sales, service, and operations. This module introduces Business Central as a cloud end-to-end business solution.

  • Module 3: Customize Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Business Central is a modern business platform that you can extend and customize to fit your specific needs with little to no code development. This module will show you some of the available possibilities to tailor your solution for your customer’s needs.

  • Module 4: Administer Business Central online

Learn how to administer your Business Central environment and tenants, from joining the Cloud Solution Provider program to configuring monitoring.

  • Module 5: Create new companies in Business Central

Learn how to create and set up new companies efficiently in Business Central

  • Module 6: Migrate data to Business Central

After creating a new company, you can migrate your data to Business Central.

  • Module 7: Manage users and implement security in Business Central

Learn how to manage users and implement security in Business Central.

  • Module 8: Set up email in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Learn how to set up accounts, compose and send email messages, attach documents, assign scenarios, send sales documents, and check the outbox and sent emails in Business Central.

  • Module 9: Integrate Business Central with Outlook

Integrate Business Central with Outlook.

  • Module 10: Create workflows in Dynamics 365 Business Central

You can set up and use workflows to connect business-process tasks that are performed by different users. To use workflows in Business Central, you must set up and enable workflows, set up workflow users, and specify how users receive notifications.

  • Module 11: Use approval workflows in Dynamics 365 Business Central

This module uses the purchase order approval workflow as an example to show you how to use workflow templates that are included in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to create new approval workflows.

  • Module 12: User interface essentials in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Understanding the user interface is essential to the efficient use of Business Central. This module shows you the components and possibilities of the Business Central interface.

  • Module 13: Personalize the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central user interface

The user interface for Business Central can be optimized for personal use. This module explains and demonstrates the personalization options that are available to users.

  • Module 14: Use alternative interfaces for Dynamics 365 Business Central

The modern user interface experience for Business Central isn’t limited to the web client. Business Central comes with smartphone, tablet, and Outlook interfaces.

  • Module 15: Change how documents look in Business Central

Find out how to customize document layouts and reports in Business Central to follow your company’s guidelines and preferences

  • Module 16: Configure Business Central for Excel and Power BI

Make Business Central data available for easy reporting with Excel and intelligent analysis with Power BI.

  • Module 17: Migrate on-premises data to Dynamics 365 Business Central

Are you looking to move to the cloud and easily migrate to Business Central online? This module covers how you can use the built-in migration tools to migrate data to Business Central online from specific product versions.

  • Module 18: Set up general ledger configuration options in Dynamics 365 Business Central

The General Ledger Setup page is where you specify a default setting for the general ledger and other application areas. General ledger setup must be completed for each company that is set up in Business Central.

  • Module 19: Set up number series and trail codes in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you need to set up number series for documents, journals, and other records? This module explains how to set up number series and how to number documents, journals, and master data. Additionally, it shows you how to create and use source codes and reason codes in Dynamics 365 Business Central.

  • Module 20: Set up posting groups in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to know what posting groups do and how they are used in Business Central? This module will explain what posting groups are and what they are used for in Dynamics 365 Business Central. Additionally, this module focuses on showing you how to set up posting groups to create links between accounts in the different application areas to the G/L accounts in the General Ledger application area.

  • Module 21: Set up dimensions in Dynamics 365 Business Central

If you are responsible for financial reporting, then follow along with this module to learn how to set up dimensions. Dimensions are used to group posted entries for reporting purposes. Dimensions can be used throughout Business Central on entries in journals, documents, and budgets. Additionally, dimensions offer more extensive analysis and reporting functionalities.

  • Module 22: Set up the chart of accounts in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to know how to set up the chart of accounts in Business Central? This module will focus on managing the chart of accounts. The Chart of Accounts list provides quick access to G/L accounts and balances, and the budgets feature provides a comparison between actual amounts and budgeted amounts by using a combination of G/L accounts, periods, and dimensions.

  • Module 23: Set up general journal templates in Dynamics 365 Business Central

With general journals, users can enter data in general ledger accounts and other accounts, such as customer, vendor, and bank accounts. This module will focus on how to set up general journal templates and batches.

  • Module 24: Create and process journal entries in Dynamics 365 Business Central

If you want to know how to use general journals, then this module can help. This module explains how to use general journals to post information into the general ledger and other accounts. You can also use the general journal to post cost allocations and other adjustments to the accounts, and then you can reverse and correct entries that are incorrect.

  • Module 25: Post periodic journal entries in Dynamics 365 Business Central

When you frequently need to enter the same journal postings, Dynamics 365 Business Central provides recurring journals so you can post journal lines on a recurring basis. Additionally, when you use recurring journals, you can post cost allocations by using allocation keys that are based on amounts or percentages.

  • Module 26: Work with Trade master data in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Learn about the master data that is important when you work with Trade in Business Central. This module also provides an overview of items, customers, and vendors.

  • Module 27: Set up Trade in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you plan on using Trade in Business Central? If so, this module explains how you can set up the Trade application area in Business Central and how to create locations.

  • Module 28: Create purchase documents in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you need to create purchase documents like blanket orders, orders, and invoices? This module will provide basic information that you should know to create these purchase documents in Business Central.

  • Module 29: Receive and invoice items in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to know how to receive and invoice purchase documents in Business Central? This module will focus on how to receive items from vendors and how to process purchase invoices.

  • Module 30: Set up purchase prices and discounts in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you need to set up item purchase prices and item discounts? If so, then follow along with this module, which will show you how. Additionally, this module provides an overview of the conditions that can be used for special prices. You will also learn how to set up and use purchase discounts.

  • Module 31: Post purchase item charges in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to know how to process additional direct item costs, such as freight, in Business Central? This module shows how to process item charges in Business Central and how these charges affect the direct unit cost of an item.

  • Module 32: Estimate purchase order receipt dates in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to estimate purchase order receipt dates? This module provides an overview of the date fields on purchase orders and explains the relationships between them.

  • Module 33: Create sales documents in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you need to create sales documents like quotes, orders and invoices? This module will provide basic information you should know to create these documents in Dynamics 365 Business Central.

  • Module 34: Ship and invoice items in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to know how to ship items and invoice sales documents in Business Central? This module will focus on how to ship items to customers, and how to invoice items and services to customers.

  • Module 35: Manage sales prices in Dynamics 365 Business Central

If you are responsible for managing item sales prices, complete this module about how to set up and maintain sales prices for items. It provides an overview of the conditions that can be uses for special prices and how to target individual customers or customer groups. It also explains how to use special prices in sales quotes and sales orders.

  • Module 36: Set up discounts for your customers in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you offer sales discounts? This module focuses on how to set up and use sales discounts in Business Central.

  • Module 37: Promising sales order delivery in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to calculate item delivery dates? This module will focus on sales order promising. It explains the date fields on sales orders and the relationships between them, with the primary objective to calculate item delivery dates.

  • Module 38: Set up returns management in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you need to handle sales and purchase returns? In this module, learn how to set up returns management in Dynamics 365 Business Central.

  • Module 39: Manage customer returns in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you need to learn how Business Central handles sales returns? Learn how to enter return agreements and process and post return documents. You will also learn about return orders, and how to enter replacement items on a sales return order.

  • Module 40: Manage returns to vendors in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you need to return items to a vendor? This module focuses on how to process returns to vendors.

  • Module 41: Set up cash management in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Cash management in Dynamics 365 Business Central is used to manage a company’s bank accounts. Before you can start processing bank transactions, you should first set up cash management by creating bank accounts and journals.

  • Module 42: Enter payments in the cash receipt journal and the payment journal in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to know how to manually process customer payments in Business Central? If so, then this module is for you. This module will focus on how to enter payments manually in the cash receipt journal and payment journal, and it will also explain how to apply payments.

  • Module 43: Suggest vendor payments in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you need to prepare vendor payments? If so, follow along with this module to discover how to process open vendor ledger entries and create payment suggestions based on criteria such as due dates and vendor priorities. This module also describes the available options to pay vendors.

  • Module 44: Use checks to pay vendors in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to know how to pay vendors by using checks? This module focuses on how to enter payment lines for manual checks, how to print computer checks, and how to financially void a check.

  • Module 45: Perform a bank reconciliation in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to find out how to reconcile bank accounts in Dynamics 365 Business Central? If so, then this module is for you. The bank reconciliation feature is used to check the bank ledger entries and the balance on the accounts against the statement from the bank.

  • Module 46: Set up payment reconciliation journals in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to know how to set up payment reconciliation journals in Dynamics 365 Business Central? This module will focus on how to set up payment reconciliation journals. It also explains how to modify payment application rules to automatically apply payment lines.

  • Module 47: Use the payment reconciliation journal in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to discover how to use payment reconciliation journals in Business Central? If so, then follow this module, which shows how to use the payment reconciliation journal to import bank statements and automatically match payments. This module also explains how you can post and reconcile the payment lines.

Recomandăm să continui cu:

  • Microsoft MB-310: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Microsoft MB-330: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Programe de certificare

Acest curs îi pregătește pe participanți pentru susținerea examenului MB-800: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Functional Consultant și obținerea certificării de Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Business Central Functional Consultant Associate.

Microsoft MB-800: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Functional Consultant

Oferte personalizate pentru grupuri de minim 2 persoane

Detalii curs




1200 EUR


Predare în clasă, Clasă hibridă, Clasă virtuală


3. Intermediate


Functional consultant

Oferte personalizate pentru grupuri de minim 2 persoane